Go to any search engine of your choice and type in the phrase “Lesbian Vampire.” The results will include a fair amount of scholarly essays, pure porn, a Wikipedia article, reviews to more than a few very cheap movies (as well as some of much higher quality), places where you can purchase anthologies as well…
Tag: Lemora
Lemora: A Child’s Tale of the Supernatural
Most films never cause half the furor as “Lemora” did. The Catholic League of Decency (a now-absorbed organization with the joke-tempting acronym of CLOD) went on the warpath when this flick appeared. Got it pretty much banned, except in France where it attained some cult status. Later folks re-discovered it in the 1990s. But why?…
Why Lesbian Vampires?
For all practical purposes, the trope Vampire Lesbian emerged with Joseph Sheridan LeFanu’s novella “Carmilla.” Eventually, with the rise of a new medium–motion pictures–an adaptation of that story appeared. “Crypt of the Vampire” became one of the still-relatively few such. The trope, however, could be seen in “Dracula’s Daughter” as well as the eerie “Vampyr.”…
Children of the Night
With the release of “Let Me In,” the American adaptation John Ajvide Lindquist’s novel, a trope that naturally comes to mind is the child vampire. Although as disturbing as it seems shocking, there’ve actually been a fair number of the breed in popular entertainment. One might think that Claudia from Anne Rice’s seminal “Interview With…