Review: New Carmilla!

A wildly successful web series, not one but two recent films, a musical in the works–little wonder Audible decided to produce a new audio version of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu‘s last work (and the ancestor of all lesbian vampires since). Carmilla was offered as a free download for Halloween, not a reading of the book…

David Campton’s “Carmilla”

Several play versions of Joseph Sheridan LeFanu‘s classic novella exist, from the Wildclaw Theater‘s grand guignol adaptation to recent musical in development and even one penned by yours truly.  There’s one particular version that has seen several different productions in the United Kingdom since its premiere in the 1970s–that of David Campton (who also wrote…

Carmilla Musical on Its Way?

A few weeks ago, a staged reading of a new musical took place for one afternoon only.  Based on Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu‘s gothic classic of vampires and sapphic love, Carmilla was penned by the same man who also wrote a three character musical based on Marie Antoinette.  I had the good fortune to interview…

Angels of Darkness (aka Styria)

Beginning March 1, 2015 the motion picture Styria aka Curse of Styria aka Angels of Darkness will begin airing on Showtime Cable. This most recent major film adaptation of Joseph Sheridan LeFanu’s gothic classic Carmilla has been in the works for several years and has been covering it for nearly as long! We even…

New Carmilla On The Way

Yet another live version of Joseph Sheridan LeFanu’s classic is on its way to the boards! We’ve covered other stage productions of Carmilla in the past, including that of Chicago’s Wildclaw Theatre and even a Canadian high school‘s version. Now another struggles its way to the stage in front of a live audience. The venue…

Review of Kyle Marffin’s ‘Carmilla The Return’

Like the more famous novel Dracula, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu’s vampire classic about the lonely predatory Carmilla inspires some to pen sequels.  Usually, these have taken the form of films.  Most famously, Hammer studios filmed the so-called “Karnstein Trilogy” (actually a misnomer–four not three films ended up made).  Only one of these–Lust for a Vampire–meets…

Nightmare Classics “Carmilla”

As noted elsewhere at, at least two films based on Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu’s vampire classic are on their way to movie theaters.  One, Styria, remains in post-production whereas The Moth Diaries is seeking a distributor. Time to take a look at the last major version of Carmilla maybe?  Why not? Nightmare Classics back…

Top Ten Lesbian Vampires

Go to any search engine of your choice and type in the phrase “Lesbian Vampire.” The results will include a fair amount of scholarly essays, pure porn, a Wikipedia article, reviews to more than a few very cheap movies (as well as some of much higher quality), places where you can purchase anthologies as well…