5 of the Creepiest and Most Horrifying Vampires from Folklore

Most vampires nowadays are beautiful, love-struck immortals who live in lavish homes and act like gentlemen. But that wasn’t always the case. If you look back at folktales through the ages from all over the world you will discover the most hideous and disturbing of creatures. No romance, no vegetarians, just pure bloodlust and savagery.…

Moonlight’s Favorite Vampire Myths

Every time I am interviewed by someone they ask, “What do you love most about vampires?” and my instant answer is always “the history.” I absolutely adore vampire history and folklore! I have spent years researching every word I can find on old vampire myths from around the world – it’s one of my many…

Hell Hath No Fury…

In modern day vampire tales the women are usually sex symbols or pathetic victims, but if you take a look back into vampire folklore you’ll find that there are many female vampires, and they all kick ass. These vamps are ferocious and bloodthirsty – hell hath no fury like… a female vampire. Here’s just a…