It’s Christmas time! And what better way to spend these chilly nights than curled up with a good holiday book? Getting cozy with a vampire holiday book! That’s right vampire lovers, there are actually quite a few vampire Christmas books out there ready for your reading pleasure. Check some of them out… (click titles to…
Tag: Michele Hauf
Why Do You Think People Love Vampires So Much?
Over the past few years I have interviewed many wonderful authors and I absolutely love it. Since talking about their book and nothing else is a little boring, I like to throw in a few other vampire related questions to makes things more interesting and one of my favorite questions to ask is – “Given…
Vampire Books Coming October 2011
October is here! Woo! This is the month we watch scary movie marathons, dress up in costumes, eat mass quantities of candy, and of course, read horror books! Luckily, there are loads of wonderfully bloody and chilling vampire books being released this month. Let Halloween month begin! Here’s a look at the vamptastic books hitting…
Vampire Books Coming April 2011
We have loads of vampire books coming out this month! April is definitely a good month for all of the vampire-lovin’ bookworms out there. There’s a little bit of everything – horror, romance, mystery, and even some non-fiction. Check out it out! Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer (Twisted Tales) by Maureen McGowan In this story, Sleeping…
Get Vampires for Free on Your Kindle!
I have finally joined the Kindle masses! Yes, at long last I own a Kindle! After I was finished staring at it, petting it and whispering compliments to it’s pretty screen, I decided it was probably time to actually put something to read on it, so I hit up Amazon and, well, my love for…
Giveaway and Guest Blog by Michele Hauf!
Vampires and Romance? Do they go together? Well, apparently they do if you look at the tremendous rise in vampire romances on the book shelves over the past years. Romance, overall, is the top seller in mass market paperbacks, beating out Horror, Thrillers, Sci/Fi, and Mystery. But can you really apply romance to a story…
Exclusive Interview with Michele Hauf!
On top of running the awesome site Vampchix, Michele Hauf is also the author of some damn sexy vampire novels. I recently chatted with Michele about vampires, writing and her new book “Her Vampire Husband.” What got you interested in writing about vampires? I’m not really sure what initially started me on them. I have…
In A Glass Darkly
Today’s post comes from the wonderful Michele Hauf over at VampChix. Check it out. – Moonlight Vampires and their reflections As I write about vampires in my fiction, I tend to use some mythologies that’ll suit my character, twist other myths to serve my needs, and discard stuff that doesn’t work for the story. Recently,…