Vampire Books Coming August 2013

Vampire books! Like every month, this August is full of new vampire novels and comics hitting store shelves. I say we take a look at the beauties coming out this month. Check them out below… (click on title to view on Amazon) Bites (Ravens Pass) by Steve Brezenoff and Amerigo Pinelli Children’s book. Do vampires…

Vampire Books Coming June 2013

Summer reading! There are a few goodies coming out this warm and humid June. So I say it’s the perfect time for laying in the cool shade and getting lost in a story. Check out the vampire books coming out this month. (click titles to view on Amazon) Double Disaster! (My Sister the Vampire) by…

My Sister the Vampire

Today, while doing my daily scan for new and old vampire books, I came across something perfect for all of those little girls that love vampires – My Sister the Vampire by Sienna Mercer. There aren’t too many options for your little readers at home that are too young to read young adult books, but…