Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 15

All My Children Wasn’t that the name of a soap opera? It’s an aptly named episode. Esther, –great witch name, by the way, –is trying to kill her kids. Drown them like the proverbial runts in a burlap bag, –and this episode is all about her big plan to put her “runts” out of the…

Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 14

Dangerous Liaisons Oh boy. I’m excited about this episode, have been all the entire week long. I’ll explain why later on, but still! Weren’t you excited? I could tell that there was going to be romance in this episode and there so is! But all things considered… there are some serious things that wig me…

Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 13

Bringing Out the Dead The coffin opens! Ha! How’s that for opening with a big huge spoiler? And I was right about what was in it too. This was a great episode, very emotional, very climactic. Big things going on. The whole family of Originals is super-hot too. Those damn Vikings, all of them are…

The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 12

The Ties That Bind I won’t lie guys, this episode was only so-so, in terms of awesomeness. I do realize that we need story development, and I know that it can’t be explosions and insanity all the time. Is it so wrong to want it anyway? On top of everything, this is THE LAST EPISODE…

The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 11

Our Town This episode was very emotional; yet again, I’m impressed at the lack of filler, and I have have some new points of interest. It’s not all “Oooh, Damon kissed Elena, yayyyy.” I mean sure, that’s a big party in my romance receptors, but there’s more to this episode than the beginnings of a…

The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 10

The New Deal Phew! It’s been a long wait, hasn’t it? And trust me, I was really chomping at the bit people. Which is why I feel like kind of a dick, because I -totally- forgot that Vampire Diaries was on yesterday. I thought it premiered the 15th, so my duh there. And now I’m…

Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 9

Homecoming This is it guys, the “mid-season finale”. The next episode won’t air until January 5th, 2012. That’s… over a month. Jesus. But, we can handle it, right? We can all watch… like Teen Wolf or something until it comes back. I’ve got my NetFlix subscription up and running again, so starting next week, I’ll…

Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 7

Ghost World I was pretty much warned before I even started watching this episode, that I was going to end up crying. I did, of course, –it was a really emotional show. And I also kinda expected it since the last episode ended with ghosts popping up everywhere, all physical and stuff. I wonder if…

Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 6

Smells Like Teen Spirit It’s that time of the week again! I was kind of afraid that this would be a filler-y episode, and during the first fifteen, twenty minutes of this episode, I was -really- scared. The episode was all about Rebecca and the new Stefan integrating into the high school. And it had…

Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 5

Vampire Diaries – Season 3 – The Reckoning The episode made me fairly apprehensive; I’ll explain why in a little bit, but phew, what a ride! Wasn’t that whole thing just… insanity?! I mean, Klaus, and Stefan… god… anyway, there’s no time like the right time to just… dive right in and get started with…