‘Breaking Dawn’ Cast Interviews and Wedding Sneak Peek

As every Twi-hard knows, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 is almost here! On November 18, 2011, less than a month away, the big film will premiere in theaters worldwide and every fan is counting down the days. Lucky for you, the folks behind the film have released all sorts of goodies to…

Huge Collection of New Photos from Breaking Dawn & Possible Spinoff Rumors!

Just what we’ve been wanting, –sexy new photos from Bella and Edward’s honeymoon in Rio, which is better known as the private island getaway Edward takes Bella to, once they’re married. In real life… it’s known as Rio, better still known as “the place where you can get stabbed, mugged, raped, sodomized, cannibalized, drowned, and…

Robert Pattinson Chats About His ‘Twilight’ Breakup

The Twilight Saga is finally coming to an end as the actors slowly wrap up the final two movies, and well, for some it’s bitter sweet. Robert Pattinson, who was made unbelievably famous by the first film in 2008, recently chatted about his final scenes as Edward Cullen and how he felt about the Twilight…

Robert Pattinson Chats about Shirtless Scenes, Vampire Contacts & More

With the upcoming release of his new film, Water for Elephants, Robert Pattinson is busy being interviewed on his new venture. He recently sat down with Entertainment Weekly to discuss the film, but of course, Twilight came up instead. Robert chatted about Breaking Dawn’s PG 13 rating, his shirtless scenes and the death of his…

Robert Pattinson Discussing the Finer Details of Bella’s Barf-Worthy Birthing

I’m a fan of Twilight, the series, and the films. But even I, the big fan, almost closed the book when I read how Bella ended up giving birth. OMG, EW. For those of you who don’t really follow the whole Twilight thing, –watch the movies or read the books, –well. Bella gets knocked up…

Vampire Media Lies, Hot New TB Poster, Damon and Elena not Happening Soon, in this Week’s Vampire Bites

Sad but true about that Damon and Elena thing; I have to say, I’m on ‘Team Damon’ if such a thing exists. Not that Stefan isn’t cool, but Ian Somerhalder just gets my juices flowing… Nina Dobrev says that Elena’s really just into Stefan right now… but there’s still hope for Damon in the future. Even…

Suburban Vampire, Russell Edgington, and Klaus in this Week’s Vampire Bites

Keep an eye on Suburban Vampire over the next two weeks; they’ll have writers and musicians in every day, talking about the ‘romantic allure of vampires’.  If you want to check out new artists and writers who have been inspired by vampires, this is also a great place to find em. If you didn’t get…

People’s Choice Awards a Disappointment for Vampire Fans

The People’s Choice Awards aired last night, and well, it was definitely a disappointment for all of us vampire fans out there. After seeing the list of winners I can’t help but think that this wonderful vampire craze is dying out. There were ten categories that featured vampire nominees, yet only few won. Sad sad.…

2010: A Year of Vampires

This was a big year for vampires; they’ve been everywhere. When 2010 began, vampire fans were enthusiastic, optimistic, and ready for a year of vampire madness. It wasn’t unfounded; the vampire had a lot of potential this year, with so many people ready to gobble up whatever the entertainment industry decided to cook up, as…

Vampires and Harry Potter

Others have written about the vampires described by J.K.Rowling within her wonderful world of Harry Potter, of Quidditch and Hogwarts and Diagon Alley. Yes there are indeed vampires in “Harry Potter” and one even makes an appearance in the books. But consider also how vampires in other fantasy worlds have wandered into the hugely successful…