True Blood, Season 2 Episode 9

We open the episode with a quick recap of what happened in episode 8; with Luke just blowing everyone up. Outside, Bill tells Lorena it doesn’t matter if they ever meet again, –he tells her that regardless of immortality, she is dead to him. Lorena says “I wish you hadn’t said that,” and turns to…

True Blood, Season 2 Episode 8

We finally meet the modern Godric, while Sookie buttons her dress. Apparently, Godric knows Gabe, who says, “Godric, it’s me,” right before Godric snaps his neck. Gabe slumps to the floor, and Godric tells Sookie she shouldn’t have come, just as Eric arrives, and goes on his knees before his maker; Godric tells him he…

True Blood, Season 2 Episode 7

Andy didn’t give up after all! He’s still running through the woods, drunk as a skunk, and still falling repeatedly on his face. In the clearing at the big orgy, Eggs is manhandling Sam, and slams him onto a rock. Tara leans over, with completely black eyes, tells him to give in, and licks his…

True Blood, Season 2, Episode 6

At the Hotel Carmilla, Eric is snacking on a classy looking dirty blonde, and loses his appetite when she calls him “baby”. She offers to pretend she doesn’t like it, and though Eric seems to have a few reservations about her acting skills, he resumes his dinner. When Lorena, Bill’s maker shows up however, he…

True Blood, Season 2, Episode 3

Oh boy, is Bill angry. He’s on the road, at break-neck speed, and he’s on his way to hitting a deer or a gator or something if he doesn’t slow down! Sookie tells Bill to slow down, while Jessica bawls in the backseat and, hey, isn’t there a car behind him? Oh well, not for…