Vampire Studies: Bold New Future? This is an update to the August 3, 2010 post, ‘University Offers Course in Vampiric Literature‘. If you believe education is the future, you’re going to love this. As previously mentioned, the University of Hertfordshire in the UK has decided to offer courses in Vampiric Studies. But now, the course…
Tag: Sexuality
Vampire Circus
Back in 1972, Hammer Studios found itself in a good and bad place as far as vampire movies go. On the one hand, they were pretty close to having squeezing every drop they could out of both “Dracula” and “Carmilla.” Yet audience demand remained. One solution they hit upon was a series of original films…
The Second Most Famous Dracula
No other actor has played the part of Count Dracula in so many films. As a consequence, none other has gazed into so many initially hesitant sets of eyes belonging to beautiful women–Caroline Munro, Barbara Hershey, Linda Hayden, Veronica Carlson to name just a few. So many plunging necklines! So many throats to ravish! Yet–curiously–so…
Why Lesbian Vampires?
For all practical purposes, the trope Vampire Lesbian emerged with Joseph Sheridan LeFanu’s novella “Carmilla.” Eventually, with the rise of a new medium–motion pictures–an adaptation of that story appeared. “Crypt of the Vampire” became one of the still-relatively few such. The trope, however, could be seen in “Dracula’s Daughter” as well as the eerie “Vampyr.”…
Today, little monsters united in the Haus of Gaga; they literally crashed Lady Gaga’s website, secondary website and Twitter page. There was a lot of love and support for the gothic queen across the world. Why, do you ask? Her next single, “Alejandro” premiered across the web. In the past, I have referred to Lady…