Watch True Blood In Production

Normally, I’m not one of those people who, for some reason, have to see all the special features on the DVD, and have to see every behind the scenes featurette they can get their hands on. But all the hype about HBO’s True Blood site is absolutely necessary. They have gone to insane lengths to…

True Blood Anthology cover chosen

For those of you who love everything, and anything to do with True Blood, –like the rest of us, –then you’ll practically pee with excitement when you hear about the awesome new anthology coming out! Just a few of the topics and articles the book is going to cover, for example, are Bill’s gradual loss…

True Blood Sunday Presents: Behind the Scenes of Season 3

Ahhhh! Waiting DOES suck! What a bunch of teases, giving us nothing more than that painfully short clip of True Blood season 3. But it’s exciting none the less, something is better than nothing… I guess. According to the official True Blood website, after each season 2 encore episode (airing Sundays at 8pm) they’ll show…

True Blood Sunday Presents: Jessica Hamby

We really miss True Blood, so much in fact, that we decided that every Sunday, up until True Blood is re-instated as the best show ever!, that damn it, we’re going to talk about it. And what better day to start with, than Valentine’s Day? And what better character to start with, than Jessica Hamby?…

True Blood, Season 2, Episode 3

Oh boy, is Bill angry. He’s on the road, at break-neck speed, and he’s on his way to hitting a deer or a gator or something if he doesn’t slow down! Sookie tells Bill to slow down, while Jessica bawls in the backseat and, hey, isn’t there a car behind him? Oh well, not for…