Vampire Media Lies, Hot New TB Poster, Damon and Elena not Happening Soon, in this Week’s Vampire Bites

Sad but true about that Damon and Elena thing; I have to say, I’m on ‘Team Damon’ if such a thing exists. Not that Stefan isn’t cool, but Ian Somerhalder just gets my juices flowing… Nina Dobrev says that Elena’s really just into Stefan right now… but there’s still hope for Damon in the future. Even…

True Blood Sunday Presents: The Men of True Blood

As all True Blood fans know, the show is graced with some of the sexiest men in entertainment. Three of our favorite leading men appeared on the cover of Details this month and shared all sorts of goodies with us. Alexander Skarsgård Alex (vampire Eric)  revealed all sorts of info in his interview, like that…