What’s In a Word?

We’ve covered many different types of vampires in great posts that you can find here and here. But really, once we’ve wandered into the land of sparkling teenage boys, what has the word “vampire” really come to mean? Here are some basic breakdowns of different types of vampires, wannabe vampires, and those who may actually…

Types of Vampires

If you read a lot of vampire books and watch vampire shows and movies then you have a pretty good idea of the many types of vampires used in entertainment. Here’s a closer look at those vamps, check it out. Traditional Vampire This is one we all know and know well. You have the whole…

What the heck is a vampire, anyway?

  All this talk about vampires, but what the heck is a vampire anyway? The definition has changed so much over time, that what once was considered a vampire is now called something else. The original European vampires were more like what we would call zombies today. Vampires have been based on demons and ghoulish…