2010: A Year of Vampires

This was a big year for vampires; they’ve been everywhere. When 2010 began, vampire fans were enthusiastic, optimistic, and ready for a year of vampire madness. It wasn’t unfounded; the vampire had a lot of potential this year, with so many people ready to gobble up whatever the entertainment industry decided to cook up, as…

Vamped Out Season Finale Online Now

It might be confusing for you short lives to understand the aging process of a vampire so I made a little chart. It’s got short life human you and vampire me. So every five vamp years equals one short life year, roughly. So to you I appear 35 while actually I’m 172. Again there’s no…

Vamped Out Episode 5 Online Now

Well, it looks like it’s back to rock bottom for Elliot Finke. Now that Al has no intention of finishing the documentary, Elliot‘s dreams of a comeback seem out of reach. What does a washed out recovering alcoholic documentary director do when things start to fall apart? That’s right, it’s back to the bottle. Thankfully…

Vamped Out Episode 4, Online Now

“Everyone knows there are over a hundred medical marijuana dispensers in California but what they don’t know is that there are just as many blood dispensers and there are thousands nationwide. Most vampires and their families, if they can afford it get their blood supply from them. But do you know who the unwitting supplier…

Vamped Out Episode Two Now Online

“When I tell people that I’m an actor they go ‘oh, what restaurant do you work at?’ but when I tell them that I’m a vampire they perk up and they go ‘oh my god, what movie where you in?’… People suck.” –Alowisus Hewson (Jason Antoon) Things are starting to heat up on Vamped Out.…

Vamped Out Premiere Now Online

“Through the spring and summer of 2009, award winning film maker Elliot Finke shot what he believed was the first documentary of an actual vampire. While in post production, he went missing…” And so begins the first episode of Vamped Out. Meet Alowisus Hewson, a struggling actor who has one thing other Hollywood actors don’t.…

Kevin Pollak Gets ‘Vamped Out’

Hollywood actor Kevin Pollak shall be making his directorial debut this month in a new horror/comedy web series that will run for six episodes on Babelgum.Com. Beginning April 12th, Vamped Out follows the life of documentary film maker Elliot Finke (played by Pollak) as he documents the life of what he believes is an actual…