Vampire Crime: Christopher Rodriguez is Rod Ferrell ‘Lite’

There are lots of movies about morons who think they are vampires. There was a movie made to sensationalize the murders committed by Rod Ferrell, vampire-game-obsessed teen, who killed his girlfriend’s parents, and ran off with her, for a short period of time, before being captured by police. Well, in a similar, yet more pedophilic…

Michael Stephenson of ‘Troll 2’ to Direct Vampire Film ‘Destroy’

The catch is, this isn’t actually a vampire movie. It’s a movie about a guy who has I guess, completely lost his marbles, who goes around Eastern Europe… killing harmless old men by pounding stakes through their hearts. And it’s directed, not by the -director- of Troll 2, but by the child star in Troll…

Abigail Breslin Twihard, Johnny Depp Talks Dark Shadows, and Damon’s Challenger in this Week’s Vampire Bites!

Abigail Breslin, alas, yet another preteen is struck with the Twilight fever! Apparently, not only has Breslin caught Twilight-fan-fever, but she’s also sided with either Team Edward or Team Jacob. But will she say which one? And why is she so paranoid about the other Twihards? Maybe it’s because in her new movie… she is…

Vampire Crimes on the Rise… and guess who’s getting blamed

You know how crimes caused by teens are so often idiotically blamed on video games? Well thanks to the vampire craze, parents and law officials are now blaming many teenage crimes on shows like “True Blood” and books like “Twilight.”  Unfortunately, this is not a joke, but a very sad truth. According to Don Rimer,…