Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Big news for vampire loving gamers! We’re getting another Castlevania game, and this time it’s 3D! Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is the latest in the kick ass Castlevania series. The game, said to come out some time in 2010, is being developed by MercurySteam and Kojima Productions and will be playable on the PS3 and…

10 Gifts For Vampire Lovers

It’s that time of year! The time to love, laugh and celebrate the holidays – and what better way to celebrate than with undead gifts. If you’re having trouble finding a gift for a vampire fan here are 10 ideas to help you out… 1. Twilight Perfume Yea this first one is for the Twilight…

Blood: The Last Vampire

As a big fan of the original film, and the live action film that recently came out, I figured, hey, we’re all about vampires, so why are we only covering American and European vampire contemporaries? Japanese vampires are pretty fabulous too! Let’s roll with it! Film – Blood: The Last Vampire, 2001 – The film…

Vampire Video Games of ’09: We Need More Now!

As the topic of vampires heats up and becomes trendy, you’d think that the major game studios would respond in turn, right? Wrong! As a matter of fact, the only people who seem to notice our dark need to play vampires, to be vampires, to drink blood and party like it’s 1799 are… webmasters, and…

New Vampire Video Game!

Looks like the vampire craze isn’t just hitting bookstores and movie theaters but video games as well, which is awesome for all us gamers out there. Cmedia Publishing announced that their new adventure RPG, Vampire Hunters, is currently available for PC gamers. And unlike most games you don’t have to worry about loads of system…