I’ve got another excellent Kickstarter project for you! The graphic novel Clan Of The Vein! Co-Creators Neil D’Monte and Neo Edmund wanted to bring back that horror vibe to vampires and they hope to do so in their badass graphic novel. Check out the details below. About Clan Of The Vein: Clan of the Vein…
Tag: vampire graphic novel
Review of Interview with the Vampire: Claudia’s Story
A graphic novel adaptation of Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire told in Claudia’s point of view – it’s almost too good to be true! But it is indeed real and at long last I have my very own copy of Interview with the Vampire: Claudia’s Story by Anne Rice and Ashley Marie Witter. While…
Review of Virgin Vampires
Way back in the 1970s, Hammer films had plans (never realized) to make a fourth Karnstein film as a follow-up to Twins of Evil. The title was to have been Vampire Virgins. When I heard of the following graphic novel, little wonder if I wondered about any possible connection! Virgin Vampires (or Once Upon a…
Machines and Bloodlust Collide in the Innovative Tale of ‘Transfusion’
Very rarely do I come across a vampire story that is completely new to me, one that is truly innovative and unlike anything I have read before. I recently came across such a story in the IDW comic Transfusion. Transfusion is a 3-issue miniseries, as of right now issues #1 and 2 have been released,…
The Most Beautiful Dracula
Graphic novels and comic book versions of Bram Stoker’s novel continue to become available. One, however, stand out above all others for the sheer beauty of the artwork. Dracula: A Symphony of Moonlight & Nightmares emerged from the pen and brush of Jon J. Muth. Published by Marvel Comics in 1986, the written adaptation vaguely…
All Action Classic Dracula
Like many a vampire fan, I own multiple adaptations of Bram Stoker’s seminal novel Dracula. They vary considerably in style, medium, approach and (of course) quality. But several are graphic novels, and one of these maybe deserves a bit more publicity. I refer to the All Action Classics version from Sterling Publishing, written by Michael…
Review of The Fangtastic Graphic Novel ‘Tales of the Slayers’
I am a hardcore Buffy the Vampire Slayer fangirl who feasts on every bit of Buffy-goodness I can get – the show (obviously), books, and comics – like Tales of the Slayers. As we all know, Buffy is the chosen one, the one to battle vampires and other dark forces. But before her there were…
‘Interview with the Vampire: Claudia’s Story’ Release Date Revealed
A few months back I excitedly reported that Anne Rice’s influential vampire novel, Interview with the Vampire, is being adapted into a graphic novel. What made this news so fantastic is that while the graphic novel will tell the story we fans know and love, it’s going to be told from Claudia’s point of view…
Stories about the undead grow in number every day. Most remain forgettable. Nantier Beall Minoustchine Publishing’s four part Raptors graphic novel turns out to be anything but. A few words about the artwork. Something about it feels European, and indeed such proves to be the case. What I read was an English translation, but the…
Review of ‘Little Bite: Vampire Detective’ by Bryan Golden
I have owned a Kindle for some time now and while I have known that you can get certain comics and graphic novels on it I had never bothered doing so, until today. I figured I’d give it a shot and see how it is reading a comic on a Kindle so I purchased an…