Vampire Movie Trivia: Part 3

Trivia time! As I have said in the past, I am a huge trivia junkie, I love me some totally useless bits of information (I rock at game shows). Due to my love of both trivia and vampires I thought we’d have another round of vampire movie trivia! An entire post dedicated to factoids about…

Vampire Movie Trivia: Part 2

That’s right guys, I’m bring you even more vampire movie trivia. Hurray for useless (but fun) bits of information! If you missed the first round of trivia click HERE. – Colin Farrell was offered the role of Hannibal King in Blade: Trinity, but he turned it down (thank goodness, I love me some Ryan Reynolds).…

Vampire Movie Trivia: Part 1

Every time I research a vampire movie I find all sorts of kick ass behind the scenes goodies! So here’s a look at some rad vampire movie trivia from some of the greatest bloodsucking flicks out there. – Remember that scene in Francis Ford Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula when Prince Vlad screams after he drives…