We have all dreamed of it before, right? Fantasized about that one vampire that we want to spend forever with, that breathtaking being from our favorite book or film. Which vampire is it that you dream of? If you could spend eternity with one creature of the night, which would it be? And let’s say…
Tag: vampire romance
Do Human/Vampire Romances Make Sense?
Beyond doubt three of the most popular groups of vampire stories right now are the HBO series True Blood (based on the Sookie Stackhouse books), the network series The Vampire Diaries (based on novels of the same name) and the motion pictures based upon Stephanie Meyers’ Twilight. A pervasive element in all three are possible…
Young Adult Romance Novels For Love-Struck Vampire Fans
Vampire romance is in the air due to the recent release of the latest Twilight film, and that means we’ve got loads of love-hungry vampire fans looking for passionate stories to fall deeply into. Now, you could read Twilight for the hundredth time, or you can check out one of the young adult books listed…
Hello Darkness: New Vampire Romance Movie!
‘Hello Darkness’ reminds me of old music… you know the song, “Hello darkness, my old friend”? Old folky hippy music from the days of yesteryear, but the movie is actually pretty decent sounding, unlike… old hippy folk music from the days of yesteryear. Except, well, the vampire in this movie was turned during the “angry,…
Romance Books Coming October 2010
It’s ok, you can admit it – you love vampire romance novels. You love the naughty sex scenes full of “throbbing members,” pale chests and blood loss. It’s cool, everyone has their guilty pleasure. So this one is for you, a list of October’s vampire romance novels. The Cowboy and the Vampire: A Darkly Romantic…
Amish Vampire Romance… Sounds Like a Hit!
William M. Briggs, author of ‘Breaking the Law of Averages: Real-Life Probability and Statistics in Plain English’ and ‘So, You Think You’re Psychic?’ has wondered about the new vampire sub-genres that might be emerging any time soon, with so much attention on vampires lately. Not as much as we have, perhaps, but he’s put a…
Book by You: Vampire Kisses
Have you ever wanted to be a character in a romance novel? Honey, haven’t we all? Ever wish a dashing vampire would sweep you off your feet into a world of danger, intrigue and passionate sex that last for hours and hours? Ah, if only the world worked that way. Well, you can get the…
The Vampire Is Just Not That Into You
How many of you have seen and loved the movie ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ (which was based on a book of the same title)? If you haven’t read or seen it, the book/movie was a lesson to women on the dating world and how men work. What does this have to do with…
5 Reasons Why Chicks Shouldn’t Dig Vampires
1. They’re probably major manwhores, –whether they’re sparkly or not, vampires have the power of glamour. They can get any chick they want! Plus, all those years on earth have probably loosened their morals a bit.If they can drink blood and kill innocent dogs and cats, then fidelity is probably pretty easy to ignore. 2.…
The Four Best Vampire Animes
Hellsing – Hellsing actually follows Dracula, –er, Alucard, and a descendant of the original van Helsing, who formed the Hellsing Organization, which kills and controls the vampire population. How? Well, because the latest in the Hellsing line is a hardcore, cold female who keeps Alucard on a short leash, and turns him out as an…