The Bruxsa

The bruxsa are a feared species of vampire found in Portugal. This bloodsucker was usually a woman who became a vampire through witchcraft. That’s right, more witchy vampire goodness! The bruxsa are considered vampires due to their love for drinking children’s blood. When she’s not feeding on children, she likes to torment travelers. Like the…


India is a fascinatingly diverse country, with thousands of different languages. Each place in India has its own culture, food, religion. And each place seems to have its own vampire myths. In the Godavari region they tell stories of a vampire called the chedipe. The word literally means “prostitute.” But the chedipe vampire is described…

Mexico’s Tlahuelpuchi

The tlahuelpuchi is a vampiric witch that hales from Mexico. This vampire may appear normal at first, since it lives with its human family, but looks can be deceiving. The tlahuelpuchi not only sucks blood from infants, but it also has the power to shapeshift into various forms. You can spot this vamp in its…

Babies, Insects and Blood

Oh vampire lore, how I love thee. If you’re new to the site then let me fill you in, I love vampire folklore, I especially love how nearly every country in the world has its own species of vampire. Today’s myth is another one about witch vampires, but this witch it the Albanian shtriga. The…

Sexy But Deadly

Vampire lore time! Well, actually today’s vampire species is more of a vampire-like entity, but hey, it drinks down human blood so we’ll count it. The impundulu is the ravenous blood drinker I’m talking about, it hails from the eastern Cape region of Africa. This bloodsucker is actually a witch’s servant, or rather, her familiar.…

Witchy Vampires

There’s a handful of vampires throughout folklore, all different kinds of flavors and species. Some of these vampires aren’t your classic cape wearing, coffin sleeping, crucifix fearing kinda vamps; there was a time when some parts of the world believed certain witches and sorcerers were vampires. There are a number of witchy vampire myths out…