In a time when everyone is fascinated with the vampires from myth and film, it might be interesting to pay a closer look to a reality that in many ways can be more thrilling than fiction. A world of darkness, surrounded by mystery, where those predators walk among us. That is the reality of the…
Tag: Witchcraft
Interview with An Ex-Vampire: Part 1
The first four videos are fairly disturbing, and some of the most disturbing parts are added at the beginning of the third tape/hour/DVD. Honestly, this looks more like a videotape. But the first tape covers mostly all of Bill Schnoebel’s bullshit regarding his insertion into this Wiccan/Witchcraft/channeling lifestyle. He apparently went around, and this is…
The Malleus Maleficarum
The Malleus Maleficarum is a famous theological treatise, written around 1486 and intended to be a kind of handbook for the discovery and destruction of witches in Europe. It was written by two members of the Dominican Order, Johann Springer and Henrich (Institoris) Kraemer. The Malleus Maleficarum was known in German as Der Hexenhammer and…
Vampire Diaries Season 2 Predictions
After being sucked-in to the CW show The Vampire Diaries this past fall, I have to admit it was one of the best things about weeknight television. America finally got it right, by enjoying and understanding what good writing and acting is! Not to mention, vampires are all the rage these days. With that being…