Throughout the centuries countless cases of vampirism have been reported and recorded, leaving a massive trail of death, blood and superstition for us to follow. Today’s event, recorded in the book Magia Posthuma, brings us to Kadam, Bohemia in the year 1706.
This case begins with a herdsman named Myslata of Blow that continued to return to the town even after his death. The undead Myslata would wander the streets while calling out the names of those he recognized as he passed them by.
It may have been the fact that they were scared out of their skulls, but these individuals always died a few days later. This was when the town officials felt it was needed to take out the threat, Myslata. So the body of the Blow Vampire (also called the Blau Vampire) was exhumed, and a stake was pounded into its heart.
Unfortunately, that did not do the trick and the vampire returned in a horrifying state, frightening several villagers to death and then suffocating others. The Blow Vampire laughed at those that attacked him, mocking them and thanking them for providing him with a fine stick for beating off dogs.
Now absolutely desperate, the villagers gave the vampire’s sleeping body to an executioner, who pierced it with several whitethorn stakes. Once he was finished turning the vamp into a pin cushion, he then burned it. While the flames consumed the Blow Vampire, suffering screams of the undead could be heard by all.
What do you guys think of these stories? After all they are actual events reported by city officials of the time. Do you think they are true, that these events took place just as described? Or do you think that they are simply stories created by overactive imaginations? Perhaps these people believed them at the time, but due to the lack of science and far too much superstition didn’t see the truth.
– Moonlight
Hm, these are my thoughts: 1. I think casre of Blow vampire was interesting folktale which superstituous people took seriously. 2. Vampires of Middle and Eastern European folklore were red and often fat. My explanation (based on Paul Barber): Their red skin, exposed under dead skin, was dermis! They were swollen by gas. Blood dripping from their mouths was also caused by decomposing process.
Thanks for the input :)
I think its a more interesting thing that this vampire seemed actually more like the (bad) vampires we have in film and fiction today. I think the thing that sticks out as the most unusual the fact that it showed actual personality, a violent, evil one never the less, instead of the typical silent, weak vampire in many stories. It seems like it doesn’t happen often that there is actual interaction in the stories aside from people killing the vampire in its sleep. The fact itself that it spoke seems both weird and probably either very true or very false. Me, I think there’s a grain of truth in every story.
i think these stories where used to keep people off the streets at night, and if they had the same scientiffic knowledge as us now these stories wouldn’t exist.(i’m glad they do exist though) ;)
i think that vampire storys are interesting but this one just doesnt catch my eye…