E!Online is reporting that The Vampire Diaries has cast Heather Hemmens and Chris Brochu for the upcoming remaining season 5. Hemmens, who recently appeared on Grey’s Anatomy will take on the role of Maggie, Enzo’s …
Soon, we will meet Enzo’s love interest Maggie, the role was cast to Heather Hemmens from ‘Hellcats.’ Chris Brochu was cast in a role of a student named Luke. He’s not connected with the supernatural, at least as far as we have been let in on, he’s supposed to be just a college friend to the girls. Raffi Barsoumian was cast as a supernatural character called Markos. Will these characters last more than a show or two, we don’t know, but evil Damon needs some new victims to play with and torture anyway. Are you excited about these new additions?