The Vampire Diaries Season Premiere Synopsis Revealed!

We’re getting closer and closer to the big Season 3 Season premiere of The Vampire Diaries, which is September 15, and with every passing day the CW teases us with new info on what’s to come. The latest in a long list of goodies they have given us is a new promo picture (see below) and the premier episode synopsis! Check it out!

It’s a really pretty picture, definitely not what I was expecting for a Season 3 promo. I was thinking they would go a little darker with the images. Ah well, it’s gorgeous either way.

Now for the Season 3 Episode 1: “The Birthday” synopsis:

“On the morning of Elena’s 18th birthday, Caroline is busy planning a party, but Elena is focused on searching for any clues that might help her discover where Stefan is.

Damon is also searching for Stefan, while trying to protect Elena and keep her from doing anything that would draw Klaus’ attention.

Meanwhile, Klaus and Stefan are busy trailing a werewolf named Ray Sutton. Now working at the Mystic Grill along with Matt, Jeremy is struggling to understand why he keeps seeing the ghosts of Vicki and Anna since he was brought back to life by Bonnie’s magic. Meanwhile, Alaric does his best to watch over Elena and Jeremy, while dealing with his grief over Jenna’s death.

Finally, Caroline and Tyler face a new and unexpected challenge.”

Eeeee! I am SO excited! Judging by the synopsis it’s going to be a hell of an episode! The plot description has left me with so many questions – who is this werewolf, what is this challenge Caroline and Tyler are facing…etc. I can’t wait for this episode!

And as an added bonus – here’s Nina, Paul and Ian photos from their recent Rolling Stone shoot (click for full size).


So what do you guys think of the premier episode synopsis? Are you excited or disappointed? Let me know in a comment below!

And for those that haven’t seen it yet, here is the Vampire Diaries Season 3 trailer:

– Moonlight

By Moonlight

Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).


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