The World’s First Female Iranian Vampire in “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night”

“A vampire is delicious,” said writer-director Ana Lily Amirpour, whose debut feature, “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night,” introduces the first Iranian female vampire.

This is pretty exciting, when you consider not only the political and cultural dimensions, but artistically, there aren’t many Iranian horror films, and generally, Iranian women aren’t exactly among the world’s A-list celebrities. 

An Iranian female vampire is definitely something to celebrate, along with any new vampire movie, –and judging by the picture, she’s gorgeous, so we’ll definitely be reviewing this one for you later on guys! What about you, –thoughts on this actress breaking through the glass coffin to make a name in vampire flicks?

By annimi

Ashley writes for,, and other sites in the Darksites Network. She's involved in several seedy and disreputable activities, smokes too much, and spends her late nights procrastinating for work on her first novel.

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