True Blood Sunday Presents: True Blood Webisodes

Welcome back to another True Blood Sunday post! Today I bring you some exciting news! HBO recently announced that a series of six mini episodes written by Alan Ball himself will be aired after each episode of True Blood Season 2 encore, beginning May 2. Yay!

But don’t confuse these videos with the Season 3 In Productions clips, these upcoming webisodes, titled “A Drop of True Blood,” stand alone and have nothing to do with season 3. Rumors say that these mini episodes will fill in gaps in the storyline that were never explained, like where Bill gets all of his money and the likes. All HBO has said is, “We know Waiting Sucks. That’s why we’re giving you six new True Blood mini episodes, written by Alan Ball. A new one premieres each week starting Sunday May 2, directly following the Season 2 replays at 8. ”

Here is HBO’s promo for A Drop of True Blood:

I am beyond excited for these webisodes! From the looks of the promo we get to see a whole lot more on major characters and the secondary characters as well. Woo! More Sookie, Pam, Eric, Bill, Jessica… and well, you get the point, I’m excited.

And as some of you know, a new collectible True Blood poster will be revealed each week. They’re all leading up to the premiere of True Blood Season 3 on Sunday, June 13th, 2010. I’ll make sure to post each new poster here as the weeks continue.

The Season 3 posters so far:

If you have fallen in love with one of these badass posters then you are in luck, you can head over to HBO’s site and buy one, or all of them, and hang them proudly on your walls!

– Moonlight features True Blood Sunday every week as a fix for the  truest True Blood fans between seasons. We’re here for you every Sunday until Season 3 starts on June 13th.

By Moonlight

Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).


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