The second episode of the new True Blood season, titled “Authority Always Wins,” premiered this past weekend, and at long last we finally got to meet the big bad Vampire Authority. We also got to see what became of Tara, Acide’s werewolf drama, and much more.
“In New Orleans, Eric and Bill get together with the ancient vampire Salome, a member of the Authority, and become familiar with how the Authority’s does interrogation. Pam remembers to back when she was human and when Eric first came into her life. Alcide refuses to take over as the new packmaster. Sam and Luna deal with Marcus’ mother who comes looking for Emma. Sookie acquires a system to protect her home should Russell show up. Terry’s erratic behavior has Arlene concerned. Jessica receives an offer from Steve Newlin. Jason’s life of numerous casual sexual affairs with women weighs heavy on him. Tara resurfaces in Bon Temps.”
Overall, I was a bit disappointed by this episode. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great either. It felt like filler to me, just an entire episode dedicated to setting up future episodes. It was pretty bland. However, there were a few things I enjoyed in this episode, along with a few dislikes.
- Lafayette’s face when Sookie tells him to grab crazed vampire Tara. I laughed!
- Pam flashback! Yay! I love Pam. I would have liked more, but that little bit did make me happy.
- Eric and Bill’s bromance growing stronger.
- Emma is SO cute as a wolf! Freaking adorable.
- Jason all moody and down.
- Luna flipping out on Sam, a sweet guy who was only trying to help her.
- That we only saw a little bit of Pam’s past.
- That we only saw 5 seconds of Alcide.
That’s about it, nothing really big took place, so I only have minor likes and dislikes.
What were your likes and dislikes in this episode?
– Moonlight