Today’s post is about a video that has spread through the internet like a plague, affecting thousands. I’m talking about the Buffy vs. Edward mashup video. The reaction to this video goes one of two ways; you either love it, you laugh and cheer on Buffy, or you get ridiculously angry and go with team Edward. It’s generation vs. generation or ideals vs. ideals.
The famous video…
Now that you have seen the video we can get to the heart of it. This video was created by Jonathan McIntosh, who wrote here, a very comprehensive explanation behind the creation of the video. What McIntosh did was retell the popular Twilight movie in a feminist, pro-Buffy manner. This isn’t just about the Buffy lovers against the Twilight lovers; it’s about the gender roles each portrays. You have Buffy, the strong kickass heroine that is constantly saving the day and not taking crap from anyone. Then you have Twilight’s Bella who can’t survive on her own, who goes damn near insane over a boy and is constantly being rescued by a man, the classic Mary Sue damsel in distress. Then you add in Edward, the possessive, dominating and manipulative love interest. The thing is, throughout the Twilight books and the movie this is shown in a good light, all of this is seen as romantic and sweet. You have countless young girls swooning over Edward, and wishing they had their very own “Prince Charming” to come and sweep them off their feet.
Jonathan McIntosh’s takes out that blinding “romance” and shows Edward in a new light, the clips shown are still the same scenes, the same lines but simply put into perspective. That stalking and sneaking into someone’s room and so forth is creepy, not romantic. Instead of focusing on Bella, McIntosh focused on Edward, he wrote as a guest blogger explaining why…
“As an aspiring feminist guy, I wanted to speak out about issues of sexism and gender oppression in media but I wanted to do so carefully and intentionally. That’s why I chose to focus my critique on Edward’s patriarchal behavior in Twilight rather than on Bella’s actions. I didn’t feel it was my place to lecture her on desire (even in remix form), especially since her character is already disempowered by the original screenplay to the point of absurdity. So I built each scene around Edward, and then looked for appropriate responses from Buffy.”
The well-spoken Jonathan McIntosh made his empowering point; he made it in a hilarious and entertaining way, rather than in an angry abrasive manner. Now, he is not the only one that is speaking out. You also have people like Laurell K. Hamilton, the best selling author of the Anita Blake novels (featuring the very strong and independent Anita) speaking out on Twilight. In the August 7, 2009 issue of Entertainment Weekly, Hamilton was asked her thoughts on the Twilight novels, in which she replied,
“… I ask people why [Twilight] really captured you? What I heard from all ages is that it was very romantic that he was willing to wait for her and that there was no sex. They like the idea that [Bella] was like the fairy princess and [Edward] is the handsome prince that rides in and saves her. The fact that women are so attracted to that idea – that they want to wait for Prince Charming rather than taking control of their own life – I find that frightening.”
And personally, I am right there with her, I also find it frightening. Both Jonathan McIntosh and Laurell K. Hamilton bring up excellent points but you neither have to agree or disagree with them. This isn’t an attack on the Twilight fans; this is showing opposite portrayals, we are sharing all views on the Twilight phenomenon instead of just one.
To all the Twilight fans and all the Twilight haters: Why do you either like or dislike the books/movie? Please feel free to share your opinion on the topic.
Also, if you are curious about the thumbnail image used in the post, it is from a t-shirt that you can buy here.
– Moonlight
If you interpret Twilight this way, it is indeed disturbing…however, I think it’s not completely a fair interpretation. Later in the series, Bella does demonstrate some personal strength. And as for the appeal that teens find in the books, I don’t think you can make universal pronouncements about it, as different young women are attracted to Edward for different reasons (many simply because Robert Pattinson is hot!).
I believe there are a lot of very strong, independent, successful women drawn to vampires simply because they’d occasionally like to fantasize about a “Mary Sue” moment. Well, not exactly that…the cool thing about vampires is that you don’t have to abandon your strength and independence in order to be swoony over them…they simply overpower you and you can’t help it! It’s a nice psychological break for some of us. I like to think of Sookie Stackhouse in this category: She hardly needs a Prince Charming, but she still enjoys Bill’s power and aggression.
–Diana Laurence, author of “How to Catch and Keep a Vampire” (
As I said this is only one view of Twilight, not everyone agrees. I don’t personally think Bella is a strong woman or a good role model for girls. And yes, girls are attracted to Edward for multiple reasons but not only because Robert is hot, because the series was incredibly popular long before the movie and before he was even signed on for the role.
In response to the second part of your comment; this wasn’t directed at all vampires in fiction and all women. This is about Twilight and Twilight having a weak female. That doesn’t mean that those that enjoy Twilight are also weak and it doesn’t mean that all female leads in a vampire novel are weak either. I never said Sookie or any other female lead was co-dependent and in need of a price charming, only Bella.
And the attraction to strong vampire men isn’t something I need explained to me *points to her massive collect of vampire romance novels* lol ;)
I have read all the books, and I don’t understand why there’s such a bi-polar response to Meyer’s work. It seems like women either hate the books, or love them. For one thing: what’s wrong with a woman -acting like a woman-? In today’s society, where women strive for equality, it’s refreshing to read a female writer who wants to break away from the Buffy archetype, and bring back a classical male dominant over female, vampire relationship. I look at the whole ultra-feminist movement like this: if a man wanted to fuck his equal, he’d be gay. Women need to get over it, or get a sex change.
The last point I want to make is, –Twilight is fiction. If you’re worried about being oppressed by a male vampire, or a werewolf, or even oppressed by today’s male society composed primarily of beta males, it’s time to stop mixing your prescriptions.
A woman acting like a woman? Who says that’s what a woman should act like? What, did we go back in time when women were men’s little bitches? You can have a dominant man in your life and still hold onto your independence and strength. Being a strong woman doesn’t mean being manly, it means not letting someone control you and being able to take care of yourself, so that whole “if a man wanted to fuck his equal” thing is insane. Perhaps you need to lay off the meds if you think that.
And while most of us know it’s fiction you still have countless little girls learning from the books and basing reality on them. That’s not so much the book’s fault though.
Jeez, some chick must have cut your balls off and traumatized you, huh? Shut the **## up.+
i have also read all the books and i think that just because bella was perhaps waiting for prince charming doesnt mean that she is therefore not taking control of her own life or a bad role model for girls…. thats simply ludicrous.
Being romantic and liking the idea of being a “Mary Sue” as you call it is not weak!!
Its called being female.
I have read the whole series a few times over. I love the books. I love that Edward is so devoted to Bella, and vice versa.
I don’t think of Edward as being “possessive, dominating and manipulative…” Throughout the series, the things he does that can be perceived this way are all to protect Bella. Ex: In Eclipse, when Bella goes “behind Edwards back” to see Jacob, he stops her by removing part of her engine. The reason for this is because he knows how dangerous a young werewolve can be. Edward has found love for the first time in this frail, clumsy human. The reality of Twilight is this: Bella IS weak. She IS graceless and uncoordinated, even more so than most humans. But that is Bella, and I think girls in real life can differentiate.
I don’t know the authors full intent, but maybe Twilight was a way for her (Meyer) to fight all the feminist ideals of today. Annimi mentioned “a woman acting like a woman.” To me, that means not submitting to the pressure that women may face to be independent and “just as good as a man.” I think a lot of women feel that if they lean on a man they will be looked down on in our society, so they try to be tough and independent. I don’t see anything wrong with a woman depending on a man to keep her safe and secure and even happy. If someone were to break into my house right now, I would be comforted by the fact that my husband is here to protect me.
I depend on my husband for security, protection, love, and happiness. I count on the fact that he will make me laugh when I am down and do the things that I can’t- that he will complete me. And I complete him. I think that Bella also feels this way. She depends on Edward, and he needs her. But it is a novel, so the feelings and emotions portrayed are intensified. Hence, Bella freaking out when Edward leaves, etc.
Thank you for that mature and very well written opinion. :) I can respect your view on it and I actually agree with most everything you said. I suppose it really is a matter of how you look at it.
Thanks again for the wonderful comment :)
You’re very welcome, Moonlight!
Well i have read the books and i think that the idea of Edward being controling is unreal. Me i love having a man just like him. Everything Edward did was to keep the love of his very long life safe.And its kinga sweet the whole jacob thing, Edward is just jealous. I know its fiction but tell me that a guy would not get jealous over another guy trying to take his place. Bells acts the way she does because she is completely in love with a man, tell me no one would do the same. i love the books and the fact that Edward for the most part is someones “perfect” man, at least that’s how i look at it. I also agree that either u love it or u hate it!
I like twilight not as much as other people but it’s okay the issue with twilight it has horrible actors and it copy’s Buffy and Dracula i hate that so when it come to the twilight vs buffy point i am team buffy all the way