“Through the spring and summer of 2009, award winning film maker Elliot Finke shot what he believed was the first documentary of an actual vampire. While in post production, he went missing…”
And so begins the first episode of Vamped Out.
Meet Alowisus Hewson, a struggling actor who has one thing other Hollywood actors don’t. Unlike the likes of Robert Patterson and the rest of those vampire heartthrobs, Al is an actual, honest to goodness vampire. In fact according to Al, Bram Stoker, writer of the classic vampire novel Dracula, had gotten it all wrong. For one thing crosses, holy water and garlic have no effect on vampires. Of course Al’s declaration is not entirely convincing when he accidentally chokes on a clove of garlic and tries to wash it down with holy water with disastrously amusing results.
Al doesn’t bite people, he claims it has something to do with a childhood trauma involving a mannequin. Okay Al, we’ll take your word for it and leave it at that. Thankfully his girlfriend Marie works at a blood bank and just so happens to have a fresh bag of AB+ thanks to the donations of a bus full of teens. Al just can’t get enough of those AB+ teens.
Al’s manager Billy Goldborg works from Al’s guest house since all the coffeehouses in Los Angeles had kicked him out. After Al loses a pilot to Billy Zane for not being ‘vampirey enough’, his manager informs him that he has gotten Al a new pilot that he was “put on this earth to do.” After an awkward wait for Billy’s printer Al seems to be growing suspicious of Billy’s sincerity as his manager, particularly when he notices Billy has taken his painting off the wall. Once the printer is finished it’s struggle and finally releases the page Billy shows Al the logo for ‘Vamp Stamp‘ a new series from the ‘WV Network‘ (Come on now, you know it’s only a matter of time).
While rehearsing lines with Marie for Vamp Stamp and sipping on a nice glass of AB+, Marie asks Al why he doesn’t audition for leads instead of always going for the role of the goofy sidekick. Annoyed, Al grabs a magazine off the coffee table declaring it’s because of “skinny white pale dudes with dreamy eyes and Gothic stares.” According to Al those are the kind of guys girls want to look at, even if they aren’t even vampires. During Al’s rant something goes terribly wrong and he doubles over in pain. Fearing something might be wrong with the blood Marie rushes to read the label…
Want to find out what happens to Al? Then you gotta tune in next Monday at babelgum.com to find out!
Vamped Out stars Kevin Pollak, Jason Antoon, Samm Levine, Seana Kofoed and Sebastian Roche and airs each Monday on Babelgum.Com for six episodes.
A vampire series for our reality show obsessed culture, Vamped Out is cleaver and witty with the perfect amount of awkward charm. Curb Your Enthusiasm for the undead, Vamped Out is on the right track to being great fun.