There is more to being a vampire than just blood drinking you know. There is power, lots of it depending on what species of vampire you are. Since there are so many vampire myths and so many legends throughout the world there is a long list of what a vampire can do, what powers it may posses. Now, not all vampires have the powers listed below, some do some don’t, it really depends on the type of vampire.
Creating other vampires: This may not be much of a shock to you, most assume all vampires can do this. But some old school vampire myths have vamps that aren’t able to create more of their kind. While other myths have vampires that can create more, in some cases in involves biting a person three times.
Flight: There are a few vamps out there that can fly, like the aswang and langsuir.
Misting or vaporizing: Changing into mist is a pretty well known classic vampire move. There are loads of vampire movies that love to use this power on screen,
Super Strength: Another well known power that many vamps have.
Hypnosis: This is the perfect power for dealing with humans. You can do all sorts of things to their weak minds. Muahaha.
Changing size: This one may not be as well known. But some vampire legends have vamps that can change their size, making them able to sneak into small cracks and such. Like Dracula did with Lucy.
Controlling the natural elements: You know like wind and rain and what have you. They can cause a lightening storm to add dramatic effect to their evil deeds of the night.
Control of animals: Another fun power, on that can be used on all sorts of beasties like bats, fleas, rats and so on.
Immortality: Living forever and ever. Some vampires are immortal while others are not. Some simply have extended lives, just a bit longer than the average humans and some have a normal human lifespan.
Scale walls: Like Spiderman…but not quite.
Transformation: Another classic here. Being able to change form, like into a bat or wolf.
Draining life force or energy: Some vampires out there drain more than just blood from their victims, they also drain energy.
And then you have some lesser known powers…
Causing blights or crop failure: Yup, back in the day some people blamed bad crops on vampires. Seems like an awfully lame power to me.
Causing plagues or epidemics: I guess some vampire just want to kill off thousands at a time.
Having babies: Ok ok, this isn’t really a “power” but it is something some vamps can do and some can’t.
Causing impotence: Yes… some vampires are known to be able to do this. I’m sure loads of people would love to have those vampires around… wink wink.
Those are the powers that come from folklore. There are other vampire powers created by modern authors that are also interesting too (like Anne Rice‘s fire powers or Laurell K. Hamilton‘s lust feeding).
– Moonlight
You forgot sparkling in the sun
and religious indoctrination
Thanks for all this info! I’m coming up with a fan spinoff for the television series ‘Sanctuary,’ which involves vampires, and I wanted to include element “bending” (controlling water, air, etc.) as part of their powers, since I thought all that stuff in Avatar: The Last Airbender was so cool. :p But I wasn’t sure if controlling the elements had ever been attributed to vamps before.
Do you have any walpapers that I may use as a avatar picture like the red one with the lady by the sea?? possibly a blond one??? doing some research on the subject of vampires.
Man this site is amazing my first time on here and i alredy got MORE ideas then i needed 4 my storys!!
I have visited many websites collecting information about what abilities that vampire possess, and have accrued the following list to share with you:
1. Cast a shield to prevent mental intrusion or assault from vampire foe.
2. Able to paralyze a human or vampire.
3. Read human mind is common practice, but read vampire’s mind is rare gift.
4. Teleportation (Rare).
5. Levitation (Common).
6. Flying (Less Common).
7. Invisibility (Rare).
8. Cloaking (Common).
9. Wall crawling (Common).
10. Increased Endurance and resistance (Moderately common).
11. Increased Strength and speed (Common).
12. Ability to make no sound (Common).
13. To create effects using shadows and reflections (Moderately common).
14. To induce fear (Common).
15. To deduce if a person is lying (Common).
16. Telekinesis (Rare).
17. Hypnosis (Moderately common).
18. Walk through walls (Rare).
20. See through another person’s eyes (Moderately Rare).
21. Mimic animal calls (Common).
22. Premonitions (Common).
23. Mental Maelstrom – Change behavior and emotions (Semi-Common).
24. Control the minds of animals (Rare).
25. Shape-shifting (Turning into a bat, etcetera, is common).
26. Dementia – acting upon a victims worst fears (Semi-Common).
27. Ability to inflict damage upon another vampire from a distance (Very Rare).
28. Ability to induce lust (Sexual and in Feeding is Semi-Common).
29. Orgasmic bite (Bite induces instant orgasm in victim is Rare).
30. Cause voice to echo to confuse intended victim (Very Rare).
31. Ability to change own size (Moderately common).
32. Control nature’s elements – Wind, air, water, earth (Very Rare).
33. Drain the energy life from vamp or human to give greater strength (Common).
34. Ability to produce widespread sickness or plague (Rare).
Careful, there are some BS vampire websites made by people claiming to be vamps who know nothing of vampire lore.
What powers and/or abilities would a Saurian vampire have
they can also see the future.
No they can’t. THat’s BS made up by modern people claiming to be vamps.
heres a vampire spell blood red pelskin moon lite jraw me in cranch my therst coars my vains let my body fell no pane say that 10 time at night alone
You can’t even spell and you expect us to use your spell?
Vampires do have a lot of skills but according to history some of them can see the future,some sort of vision that helps them see the future..