Vampire Video Games You Never Knew Existed: Part 3

Oh yes Dear Readers, there are more! It’s a bit surprising (and awesome) how many vampire video games there are out there. So let’s get our geek on and check out a few more vamptastic games you never knew existed.

Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary
A long while back I wrote about one of my all-time favorite vampire games, Dracula: Resurrection, and today I learned that they had made a sequel to it. I’m a bit behind, huh?  Dracula 2: The Last Sanctuary picks up where Resurrection left off, with Dracula coming back for more. This game is followed by a third game I also never knew existed, Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon. All three games are for PC, although there is an iPhone version of the third one.

This PC game came out in 2009 and is set in 1916 during World War I. The player takes the role of Simon Bukner, an American soldier recruited into the British Army. On top of dealing with German soldiers, Simon finds himself fighting supernatural beasties, like vampires, demons, and zombies found in locations varying from the battlefields to secret laboratories and underground caverns. Later in the game players are taken into two new settings, the underground realm of Vampires, and the demonic realm, Hell. Sounds pretty badass, I’m going to  have to get my hands on this one.

Veil of Darkness
Yet another PC game! This point and click adventure game came out back in 1993, yes, it’s a bit old. In Veil of Darkness the player takes on the role of a cargo pilot whose plane is shot down by a mysterious force while flying over a remote valley in Romania. A village girl named Deirdre rescues the player from the crash and takes him to her father, who informs the pilot that his arrival marks him as the chosen one who is prophesized to destroy Kairn, a vampire lord who has used his powers to cloak the village in eternal night. So begins a long quest to save the villagers from the evil vampire.

The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
This cute Super NES action-RPG came out way back in 1994 and stars a young vampire prince who must rescue his parents and save the inhabitants of the Vladamasco Islands from the evil Von Hesler. In the original Japanese version Spike eats creature’s hearts for health, this was changed in the American version to make it more “family friendly,” instead of hearts he ate tomatoes.

– Moonlight

By Moonlight

Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).

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