Hi there Twilight fans! Breaking Dawn – Part 1 is almost here on DVD (February 11)! In just a short while you will be able to hold your very own copy of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1! If you’re one of many picking up a copy of this flick, then you may be pleased to know that there is a second disk separate from the film that is absolutely jam packed full of bonus features, like:
6-Part Making-of Documentary
- Edward & Bella’s personal Wedding Video
- A glimpse at Jacob’s Destiny (whatever that means)
- Watch your favorite scenes over and over in Edward Fast Foward and Jacob Fast Forward
- Audio Commentary with Director Bill Condon
Thanks to the awesomeness that is EW, I’ve got a little video to show you! A clip, featuring Jackson Rathbone (Jasper), all about the werewolves and their climactic battle with the Cullens towards the end of the film. The clip comes to you straight from the Breaking Dawn DVD bonus features, and it gives us insight on how much thought went into the choreography and special effects and stunts in this one short scene. While that is all interesting, the best part is when Jackson discusses the scenes, the guy is hilarious. Check it out:
“HEY! It’s a bean bag! – No, it’s a scary wolf.”
Those are the MOST ferocious bean bags I have ever seen! Hehe.
I have never actually seen Jackson outside of a Twilight flick before, never watched any interviews with him or anything, so it was a happy surprise seeing him in this. It’s nice to see the man has a personality, and a likeable one at that.
What do you think of the clip? It kind of takes the magic out of it, but it’s still fascinating to see how movies are made.
Who here is picking up Breaking Dawn this Saturday?
– Moonlight