Watch Previews of True Blood’s ‘Everybody Wants to Rule the World’

Episode 9 of Season 5 of True Blood is airing this weekend. Titled “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” the episode will throw us right back into the drama involving the vampires taking over, Sookie and Jason’s search for their parent’s killer, Alcide’s pack trouble, and more. HBO has given us a promo and two sneak peek videos of the upcoming episode, check them out below.

Episode description for “Everybody Wants to Rule the World:”

“Salome and the Chancellors celebrate the start of the vampire holy war. Sookie gets a hint about her parents’ murder but anti-supernatural enthusiasts put her in danger. Eric plans his escape. Andy and Jason are out looking for leads behind the shifter killings. Alcide remembers how he was initiated into his pack. Arlene is trapped between Terry and Patrick’s clash. Steve gets a new pet.”

Check out the three videos for the next episode of True Blood!

First is the (somewhat boring) promo for “Everybody Wants to Rule the World:”

And now for the two preview clips:

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

Well, the promo and clips this week aren’t as exciting as past weeks, but they’re better than nothing. Clip 1 was pretty entertaining, poor Lafayette and his cryptic ghost problems. Clip 2 was annoying, Bill is annoying. I am liking Eric more and more though. As for the promo, it was actually fairly uneventful. We saw vampires attacking, which isn’t shocking, we knew that would happen. We saw Hoyt dragged off by his kidnapper, which actually makes me happy. I seriously hate Hoyt, I hope he dies. The werewolves drinking V just pisses me off. That was old and boring in past seasons.

Yeah, this next episode is looking like one giant disappointment. Hopefully I get proven wrong though.

What do you think of the videos?

– Moonlight

By Moonlight

Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).


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