Watch the First 8 Minutes of True Blood Season 4

If you’re a hardcore Trubie who can’t enough previews and sneak peeks of Season 4 of True Blood then you’re in luck! HBO has released another three more minutes of the season opener! That puts the current total at six wonderful minutes in Fairyland. Not too long ago HBO debuted a video of the first three minutes of the first episode of Season 4, and they just added another three. Check them both out below – WARNING there be spoilers up ahead.

The first three minute preview:

The second preview:

This new preview picks up where the first one left off, with Sookie catching up with grandda Earl while hanging out in Fairyland. Sticking true to old fairy folklore, Earl thinks that he has only been there for a few hours but in reality he has been there for 20 years. That’s why you never eat fairy fruit. Anyway, after telling Earl that it’s a trap Sookie then meets Queen Mab, a very pissy anti-vampire fae with some big bad plans. Sookie then busts out her super powers which makes the pretty fairy veil fall down and what is revealed isn’t so nice.

If you’re curious as to what the first episode of Season 4 is all about, then check out the plot summary for the big premier episode below.

“Sookie journeys away from Bon Temps; Eric and Bill try to win back the human public; Jason learns that no good deed goes unpunished; Tara finds refuge in close quarters; Sam bonds with his own; Hoyt and Jessica debate the dinner menu; Jesus urges Lafayette to join a coven; Terry tries to alleviate Arleneʼs fears about the baby. (Written by Alexander Woo; directed by Michael Lehmann.)”

For more info and an assortment of goodies check out HBO’s official True Blood site. Make sure to tune into the first episode when it airs June 26!

So what do you all think of the first six minutes? Are you excited or disappointed? Let me know in a comment below.

– Moonlight

By Moonlight

Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).


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